For the third year in a row, 94027 in Atherton, CA, is the most expensive zip code in America in 2022 according to RealtyHop, with a median price of $9,000,000, increasing 0.56% from $8,950,000 in 2021.
California has 59 of the most expensive zip codes, the most of any state.
Los Angeles has the highest number of expensive zip codes per city, with seven, followed by NYC and Newport Beach, with six each.
11931 in Bridgehampton, New York, and 02199 in Boston, Massachusetts, made their way into the top ten, replacing 90077 in Los Angeles, California, and 94301 in Palo Alto, California.
The expensive zip codes grew more expensive this year, with 60 zip codes now with a median price point of at least $2,500,000, compared to 47 in 2021.
The median price point out of the 100 most expensive zip codes is $2,749,500, an increase of 11.03% from $2,476,250 last year.