WhatsApp, a division of Meta, has introduced new features to improve calls on its service.
Here are some of the improvements:
- 32-person calls: You can now start a video or voice call on your mobile device with up to 32 people — four times the previous amount.
- Message or mute participants: Long pressing on a participant will enlarge the video or audio feed and allow you to either mute or message them separately, while keeping the calls going.
- Call links: Whether you’re making a last-minute call or planning one ahead, you can easily invite people to a group call by sharing a call link.
The company says it also made functional changes for a more seamless calling experience:
- Colorful waveforms: Now, you can easily see who is speaking if their camera is off.
- In-call banner notifications: See when someone new joins a group call.
- Picture in Picture on iOS: Now in beta testing and rolling out in 2023, easily multitask while on a call thanks to a minimized in-call video screen.