
SF Police Arrest 10 Suspects in Shoplifting Blitz

San Francisco police are trying to crack down on shoplifters in the city.

To help reduce retail thefts and to hold people who commit these crimes accountable, SF Police officers assigned to Central Station implemented ‘blitz’ operations. Blitz operations involved coordinated efforts of uniformed and plainclothes officers who wait to arrest criminals inside a partner business.

Retail stores located on the 100 and 400 block of Powell Street were chosen for operations due to the high number of shoplifting incidents the businesses were experiencing.

Between May 23, 2024, to August 13, 2024, police officers arrested 10 suspects. The 10 suspects were cited for shoplifting and released at the scene. Officers are conducting similar blitz operations throughout the city and making dozens of arrests in other locations.

The stolen property was seized by officers during the operation and returned to the stores.

The SFPD will continue to conduct these operations throughout San Francisco to reduce thefts at local businesses.